Our Carpet Cleaning Services
Carpet cleaning is often the last thing a home or business owner thinks about. By the time cleaning a carpet becomes an issue, it’s often in pretty bad shape; with particulates, food spills and pollens matted deep into the carpet fibers. When a carpet reaches this point it’s usually beyond the ability of most consumer vacuum cleaners to effectively clean it. In such cases only a professional cleaning specialist can accomplish such a job.

Carpet Cleaning Boston routinely takes on the dirtiest floor coverings and restores them to perfect or near perfect condition.

Carpets can be damaged if they are not cleaned correctly. We will evaluate your carpet for a free estimate, and then test the pile fibers to assess the proper cleaning method. Rug Cleaners Boston will then use tried and true deep cleaning methods to put luster back into your floor covering. Our professional carpet cleaning equipment and non-toxic process will eliminate the most entrenched particles and odors. And we’re happy to tell you that our work is one hundred percent guaranteed.

Even if you’re thinking your carpet is a hopeless case, give us a call. We’ll give your floor covering a new lease on life so you can avoid the considerable expense of having to buy a new carpet. Our level of customer satisfaction is so high that approximately eighty five percent of our customers give us repeat business. One of the main reasons why is the “health dividend” that a clean carpet brings. Carpets often remain dirty for so long, that the particulates – and their resulting smell – build up gradually. Many people actually get “used to” the dingy appearance and gradual increase in odor. Customers are then shocked to discover the amount of dirt that we rinse from their carpets.

Carpet cleaning is our bread and butter. From the very beginning, we have exclusively focused on being the very best carpet cleaners in the business. Please give us a call and let us prove it!

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